Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Hazards for Lawyers Using Social Media

With more lawyers engaging in online posting and discussion, the cardinal rule is Don't forget to be professional on social media!

There are many ways to use social media in the legal profession that are excellent ways to heighten your professional profile and create business.  But, there are always ways to trip yourself up in the world of social media.  Don't make a mistake that you can't take back...at best, you will be embarrassed and discussed for a while...at worst, you will go viral and possibly never recover the reputation and professional profile you had before.

Here is a short but sweet list of "Ways to be Stupid on Social Media." "Here are the top 5 ways attorneys can be stupid about social media and run afoul of the ethics rules." http://www.legalproductivity.com/legal-marketing/5-ways-to-be-stupid-on-social-media/

Please do the opposite and reap the rewards technology can bring to the new legal playing field.

Ernster, the Virtual Library Cat

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